If you read my previous post then you'll know that I had the privilege of going to Kenya and because I had such an amazing time out there, I couldn't fit everything into one blog post so I decided to dedicate this post on the Safari Park.
We booked a Safari trip for our final week in Kenya and spent 2 nights in the Safari Park and honestly I didn't know what to expect. I was told that we were going to be sleeping in tents which unsettled me because I had no idea what the weather was going to be like and how big these tents were.
Anyway, as soon as we got to the Safari Company, a man named Patrick picked us up in a huge dark green Jeep. The excitement instantly grew in my family. Patrick introduced himself as our tour guide and shook each of our hands then opened the roof to the Jeep. He politely explained that we were not allowed to leave the car or make a lot of noise when we get close to the animals as this could scare or threaten the animals. Once the safety talk was over we drove into what seemed to be a deserted area. It didn't seem like there was anything around apart from the sight which laid ahead of us. We were driving towards the beautiful view of the horizon. It was filled with different shades of blue, lines of clouds and a great mountain in the distance. It felt like something out of The Lion King. The ground was covered in what seemed like vibrant red dust and all types of green trees. It was astonishing.

Whilst travelling into the park, Patrick pulled over and noticed something in the far distance. He pointed at a mud pond and inside we saw an elephant calf. It was stuck and completely alone. We asked if there was anyone we could notify about this and help save it but Patrick insisted that no one could interfere with the wildlife and the likely hood was that the elephant would soon be prey to the lions. Much to our regret we had to carry on driving and leave it down to nature.
We progressed on and we were amazed. There were herds of animals everywhere all staying together. I was intrigued as to why they didn't interact with each other and why they just stayed as packs. I guess in the wild you can't interact with other kinds as you have to trust your families to be the ones who protect you. We drove up close to a single giraffe. I was struck by its beautiful patterns and how at peace it looked nibbling at the long tall tree leaves.

As we sat and watched the giraffe, a herd of gazelles leaped in front of the jeep. There were loads of them - the parents followed by their fawns. It was stunning watching them dance together.
A few miles on, we were able to see a couple of lion cubs sleeping in the sun. Patrick said that they must have had their lunch not long ago because they were now resting however he didn't want to get too close unless their were others we couldn't see which were still hungry.
After the day full of adventure, it was time to get to our tents and get ready for dinner. We walked to these huge outside rooms covered in fabric and a tile roof. Inside them was a working shower, toilet and beds. This was the tent I was so worried about staying in.

The next day started with breakfast and then we met Patrick at the car. He took us on a different route this time. After driving for what seemed like miles, we eventually pulled up at the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen. Ahead of us was a parade of beautiful elephants each different sizes and ages but it was the most breathtaking experience. They was gathered around a water hole and nurturing one another.

It's safe to say that this adventure will stick with me for life and I wouldn't change any part of it for the world. I can write a book on how amazing it was but I'll let the photos do the talking.